Functional medicine
Pain & functional limitations
Regulative & preventative medicine
Dr. med. univ. Klaus Wachter
Resident general practitioner
Assistant physician at the Institute for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Wiener Neustadt Regional Hospital
Training as a general practitioner, Wiener Neustadt Regional Hospital
DFP advanced training diploma (ÖÄK diploma)
Manual medicine (ÖÄK diploma)
Orthomolecular Medicine (ÖAK diploma)
sports medicine
Emergency doctor (ÖÄK diploma)
FDM-IC (Fascial Distortion Model International Certificate), numerous course assistance and lectures within the EFDMA
ongoing further training in the areas of: FDM, FMD, OM, sports medicine
ongoing training: functional myodiagnostics (FMD)
Main focus of therapy
Therapy according to the fascial distortion model, manual medicine, functional myodiagnostics
Sports medicine: acute & chronic sports injuries, metabolic optimization in sports
Regulation & prevention medicine, orthomolecular medicine: vitamin and micronutrient analyzes (whole blood), immune regulation, autoimmune diseases, disorders in the hormonal system, heavy metal contamination
Vice President of the EFDMA (European Fascial Distortion Model Association)
OEGOM : Austrian Society for Orthomolecular Medicine
FMD : International Medical Association for Functional Myodiagnostics
ÖÄGMM : Austrian Medical Association for Manual Medicine and Conservative Orthopedics.
Member of the Fascia Research Society
Freude an der medizinische Tätigkeit
Seit Beginn meiner medizinischen Ausbildung beschäftige ich mich intensiv mit - auf den ersten Blick - doch sehr unterschiedlichen medizinischen Gebieten, die bei näherem Verständnis jedoch untrennbar ineinander verwoben sind. Funktionelle Struktur trifft auf Biochemie
Fascination: musculoskeletal system
I learned about the musculoskeletal system as a biomechanical unit through intensive sports medicine, orthopedic trauma surgery and physics training. However, I very soon became aware of the limitations of the predominantly mechanical concepts of these disciplines consisting of linear individual parts with different levers.
By getting to know the concept of the fascial distortion model according to Dr. Stephen Typaldos, my medical worldview expanded fundamentally.
On the one hand, the concept of continuity (the theory of the fascia continuum) as one of the central aspects in FDM, that everything in the human body is connected to one another, merges into one another or is simply the opposite aspect of the same (bone ligament), confirmed my view that we are not out of it dismantled individual parts, but rather that it is a coherent whole.
On the other hand, the immediately resulting therapeutic imperative for action, which arises from the view that fascial deformations can be immediately reversed.
The patients are no longer helplessly exposed to decay, wear and abrasion (arthrosis model, intervertebral disc herniation model). Because according to the FDM, these views are not relevant to their complaints.
This very positive and enriching medical worldview has made significant progress in my work with my patients and also in my personality.
I received additional, very enriching input from fascia research, which was hardly known until 10 years ago, and which began to understand fascia as an all-enveloping and penetrating body-wide matrix with seemingly fractal anatomy, biomechanics and physiology.
TheFDM enthusiasm has not left me to this day. Since co-organizing the 5th FDM World Congress in Vienna in 2011, I have been part of the EFDMA (European Fascial Distortion Model Association). As the current vice president of the EFDMA , we have been trying with great success to establish the teaching, research and practical application of the FDM and the manual Typaldos method in the medical world for years.
Fascination: sports
In order to understand athletes, you have to be passionate about sports yourself. I often hear from colleagues that athletes are laborious, strenuous and too demanding. This is often difficult for me to understand because I love athletes! I appreciate people who are enthusiastic about something, motivate themselves and live their sport. I experience this spirit again and again in numerous competitions, mainly in the endurance sector (triathlon, ultra running).
Fascination: human microcosm
For me, health means the balance of structure, metabolism and psyche. The approach of using the body's own substances such as vitamins or trace elements to provide regulatory and preventive therapy and thus eliminate causes instead of just alleviating symptoms convinced me from the start.
By diving into the microcosm of biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, immunology, the interaction at the cellular level of oxidation / cell protection through anti-oxidants, the complex interrelationships between the areas of structure (e.g. fascia, muscle, bones), biochemical processes (e.g. regulation) become apparent the metabolic functions through vitamins, minerals, trace elements) and psyche (e.g. emotional causes such as stress or mental trauma).
Microscope image of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in crystallized form
And here we find a fascinating familiarity again: our connective tissue as a metabolically active end-stream organ, which serves, on the one hand, structurally as a transport system for the transport of nutrients and toxic degradation products and, on the other hand, functionally diverse tasks in immune regulation (mechanical bulwark against pathogens, place of immune education , psychoneuroendocrinology). And as a mechano-sensitive sensory organ, it constantly provides us with feedback about metabolic and structural processes.
Pischinger space, extracellular matrix, system of basic regulation, these are all synonyms for an area that the Austrian histologist Prof. Dr. med. Alfred Pischinger (1899-1983) recognized, researched and described its importance as a pioneer, long before the now established fascia research. Pischinger published his findings in 1975 as “System of Basic Regulation”.
Stephen Typaldos and Alfred Pischinger were pioneers of their time for a holistic approach, which had a decisive influence on my professional career.