Functional Medicine
Pain & functional limitations
Regulatory and preventive medicine
Dr. med. univ. Klaus Wachter
About Dr. K. Wachter
Education and Training
Established private practice physician for General Medicine
Resident physician at the Institute for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Landesklinikum Wiener Neustadt
Training as a physician for General Medicine, Landesklinikum Wiener Neustadt
DFP Continuing Education Diploma (Austrian Medical Chamber Diploma)
Manual Medicine (Austrian Medical Chamber Diploma)
Orthomolecular Medicine (Austrian Medical Chamber Diploma)
Sports Medicine
Emergency Medicine (Austrian Medical Chamber Diploma)
FDM-IC (Fascial Distortion Model International Certificate), numerous course assistances and lectures within the EFDMA
Ongoing further education in the fields of: FDM (Fascial Distortion Model), FMD (Functional Myodiagnostic), OM (Orthomolecular Medicine), Sports Medicine...
Ongoing training: Functional Myodiagnostic (FMD)
Ozone Therapy, Neuromodulation Therapy

Therapies based on the Fascial Distortion Model, Manual Medicine, Functional Myodiagnostic
Sports Medicine: Acute & chronic sports injuries, metabolic optimization in sports
Regulatory & Preventive Medicine, Orthomolecular Medicine: Vitamin and micronutrient analyses (whole blood), immune regulation, autoimmune diseases, disorders in the hormonal system, heavy metal burden
Ozon-Hochdosis-Therapie OHT nach Dr. Lahodny
Former Vicepresident of the EFDMA (European Fascial Distortion Model Association)
OEGOM: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Orthomolekulare Medizin
FMD: Internationale Ärztegesellschaft für Funktionelle Myodiagnostik
ÖÄGMM: Österreichische Ärztegesellschaft für Manuelle Medizin und konservative Orthopädie.
Mitglied der Fascia Research Society
Enjoyment of medical work
Since the beginning of my medical training, I have been intensively involved in - at first glance - very different medical areas, which, upon closer understanding, are inextricably interwoven. Functional structure meets biochemistry
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